Recruiting Resources
Step up your recruiting today as the market comes back. Get the processes and systems in place to recruit better and faster: Become Tomorrow's Mega-Agent Today (to provide your new interviewees to save time), The Complete Recruiter, Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners, and Objection Busters for Recruiters.
Just wanted to drop you an email and say thanks for the help. Your program and literature is an outstanding value. I have digested the E-book Your blueprint for selecting winners, and have applied the program. Furthermore, I am in the middle of studying and working through "The Complete Recruiter". |
I'm still studying The Complete Recruiter, but have started my selection and recruiting program.. I do have a strategic plan and program for this phase of our business. I have already added one outstanding experienced Realtor and based on the needs / behavior predictor questions (you had suggested) used the kick out process to eliminate two experienced Realtors who wanted to join our company! |
Recruiting is my main emphasis at the present time! I have eliminated several Realtors from our office and what a great difference it made for the Realtors I have who really want to work! Thanks again!Bill Campbell, Charles Burt Realtors |
This category contains 2 products.