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Train the Trainer 2.0-- 3-month Re-instatement $200
Launching Right and Up and Running 6th Edition special
Train the Trainer 2.0 Three Month Extension
Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won't Teach You in Pre-License School--Paperback
Up and Running in 30 Days 6th edition
Coaches' Corner
Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won't Teach You in Pre-License School--Digital copy
Big Ideas (in a small book)
Knock Their Socks Off: Skills to Make Your Best Presentation Ever (all digital)
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Agent Resources
All the planning, processes, and systems to run your business like a business. These resources include personal coaching from Carla Cross. Plus, dozens of checklists and processes to get you organized and on track quickly. Business plans for both new agents (Up and Running in 30 Days) and experienced agents (The Business Planning System for the Real Estate Professional); Presentations and coaching for working with buyers and sellers: The Complete Buyer's Agent Toolkit; Your Client-Based Marketing System for Sellers. Save years of trial and error. Get your sales systems in place now. Discounts: Order over $300--10% Order over $500--25% Order over $1000--30%

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