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Launch your Career Special
Train the Trainer 2.0-- 3-month Re-instatement $200
Launching Right and Up and Running 6th Edition special
Train the Trainer 2.0 Three Month Extension
Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won't Teach You in Pre-License School--Paperback
Up and Running in 30 Days 6th edition
Coaches' Corner
Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won't Teach You in Pre-License School--Digital copy
Big Ideas (in a small book)
Knock Their Socks Off: Skills to Make Your Best Presentation Ever (all digital)
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Buy 25 Launch books at $15 each

Buy 50 Launch books at $10 each

The Complete New Agent Development System (NADS)
Create a complete system to recruit, select, coach, and train winners. Increase your production and retention. Assure you have implemented a consistent culture in your company.

Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won't Teach You in Pre-License School

The Complete Recruiter--find the right winners for you

Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners--interview them right

Orientation/Operations resources-check them in with confidence (A $40 value--free Bonus with you purchase NADS)

Up and Running in Real Estate--provide the training and coaching for their first 8 weeks in the business to get them a sale fast--online

Coaches' Corner--your coaching companion to Up and Running in Real Estate

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